
EnviroBren Multicoloured Metal Straws


EnviroBren Multicoloured Metal Straws are the coolest and most environmentally friendly straw set around.
Included in your EnviroBren stainless steel straw set is a straight straw, a curved straw and a cleaning brush.

With an 8mm diameter, your groovy rainbow coloured straws are perfect for drinking your fave smoothies and cold beverages.
Your straws are rust-proof and dishwasher safe.
The travel pouch can be handwashed or washed in a cold or warm cycle in the washing machine.

It’s easy being green when you know that reusing your stainless steel straws is a better alternative than using single-use plastic straws.
Single use plastics are a scourge on the environment. In other words, they invariably cause pain, suffering and death to wildlife, marine life and birdlife.
By switching to reusable stainless steel straws you will be doing your bit to lessen plastic straws going into landfill and ending up in oceans and waterways.

90 in stock